Monday, 16 February 2015

Valetines at AFE

Valentines day was a day I thought would suck being travelling and my other half back in england- though I have to admit I rather felt OK! 

At AFE on the Friday we unexpectedly had celebrations for valentines day instead of lessons! A whole range of activities were played out on the football pitch infront of AFE- all done in a rotation with every year group! 

Teaching can sometimes restrict the level of friendships you build with children as they will always see part of you as a teacher. Not having much time with the kids apart from In lessons- I wanted to get stuck in with activities to try and cross that bridge. I ended up finishing the activities covered in water and flour (a bad mix in hair)! 

I guess it was the 'Emily's new let's get her!' Idea, but it was great fun none the less! At the end we had a presentation for valentines cards they could give to their best friends! It was a lovely little moment and even better at the end when I had been given a total of 5 cards by some of my students! 

If there was going to be something that didn't make you miss your loved ones (as much) on valentines day- that was sure it and it was lovely!! (I obviously still missed loved ones....!) 

Lots of belated valentines love,

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